We say that a set A t-intersects a set B if A and B have at least t common elements. Two families A and B of sets are said to be cross-t-intersecting if each set in A t-intersects each set in B. A subfamily S of a family F is called a t-star of F if the sets in S have t common elements. Let l(F, t) denote the size of a largest t-star of F. We call F a (≤ r)-family if each set in F has at most r elements. We determine a function c : N 3 → N such that the following holds. If A is a subfamily of a (≤ r)-family F with l(F, t) ≥ c(r, s, t)l(F, t + 1), B is a subfamily of a (≤ s)-family G with l(G, t) ≥ c(r, s, t)l(G, t + 1), and A and B are cross-t-intersecting, then |A||B| ≤ l(F, t)l(G, t). Some known results follow from this, and we identify several natural classes of families for which the bound is attained.