Cooling oxygen-deficient strontium titanate to liquid-helium temperature leads to a decrease in its electrical resistivity by several orders of magnitude. The temperature dependence of resistivity follows a rough T 3 behavior before becoming T 2 in the lowtemperature limit, as expected in a Fermi liquid. Here, we show that the roughly cubic resistivity above 100 K corresponds to a regime where the quasi-particle mean-free-path is shorter than the electron wave-length and the interatomic distance. These criteria define the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit. Exceeding this limit is the hallmark of strange metallicity, which occurs in strontium titanate well below room temperature, in contrast to other perovskytes. We argue that the T 3 -resistivity cannot be accounted for by electron-phonon scattering à la Bloch-Gruneisen and consider an alternative scheme based on Landauer transmission between individual dopants hosting large polarons. We find a scaling relationship between carrier mobility, the electric permittivity and the frequency of transverse optical soft mode in this temperature range. Providing an account of this observation emerges as a challenge to theory. npj Quantum Materials (2017)2:41 ; doi:10.1038/s41535-017-0044-5
INTRODUCTIONThe existence of well-defined quasi-particles is taken for granted in the Boltzmann-Drude picture of electronic transport. In this picture, carriers of charge or energy are scattered after traveling a finite distance. The Mott-Ioffe-Regel (MIR) limit is attained when the mean-free-path of a carrier falls below its Fermi wavelength or the interatomic distance.1 In most metals, resistivity saturates when this limit is approached. But in "bad" 2 or "strange" 3 metals, it continues to increase. 4 It is indeed strange when the mean-freepath persists to fall after attaining its shortest conceivable magnitude and often unexpected behavior is considered bad.In most cases, bad metals present a linear temperature dependence beyond the MIR limit. Bruin et al. 5 recently noticed that the T-linear scattering rate in numerous metals, either ordinary or strange, has a similar magnitude. This observation suggests the relevance of a universal Planck timescale (τ P $