Abstract. We prove versions of results of Foxby and Holm about modules of finite (Gorenstein) injective dimension and finite (Gorenstein) projective dimension with respect to a semidualizing module. We also verify special cases of a question of Takahashi and White.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 13C05, 13D05, 13H10.Keywords. Dualizing modules, Gorenstein homological dimensions, Gorenstein injective dimension, Gorenstein projective dimension, Gorenstein rings, Semidualizing modules. 0. Introduction. Let R be a commutative noetherian ring. It is well-known that, if R is Gorenstein and local, then every module with finite projective dimension has finite injective dimension. Conversely, Foxby [4,5] showed that, if R is local and admits a finitely generated module of finite projective dimension and finite injective dimension, then R is Gorenstein. More recently, Holm [12] proved that, if M is an R-module of finite projective dimension and finite Gorenstein injective dimension, then M has finite injective dimension, and so the localization R p is Gorenstein for each p ∈ Spec(R) with depth Rp (M p ) < ∞. See Sect. 1 for terminology and notation.In this paper, we prove analogues of these results for homological dimensions defined in terms of semidualizing R-modules. For instance, the following result is proved in (2.1). Other variants of this result are also given in Sect. 2. It should be noted that our proof of this result is different from Holm's proof for the special case C = R. In particular, this paper also provides a new proof of Holm's result.Theorem A. Let C be a semidualizing R-module, and let M be an R-module with P C -pd R (M ) < ∞ and Gid R (M ) < ∞. Then id R (M ) = Gid R (M ) < ∞