The turbulent combustion inside the main chamber of a liquid rocket engine is difficult to numerically model because of the wide range of scales involved, the complex thermodynamics at elevated pressure, and the influence of heat transfer. Here, a single-element gaseous-hydrogen-gaseous-oxygen shear-coaxial injector is studied. This case involves complex physical processes that are simulated using a large-eddy simulation approach. In particular, modeling of the nonpremixed turbulent combustion and its impact on the wall heat flux is addressed. This large-eddy simulation of the compressible multispecies Navier-Stokes equations is solved using a hybrid central-upwind scheme with a thermally perfect formulation. To keep the computational cost reasonable, priority was given to the near-field resolution over the near-wall resolution. The modeled flame anchoring and dynamics provide a satisfactory estimate of the wall heat flux. The unsteady and three-dimensional features of the flow are discussed in length, and the implications of the unique features of this shear-coaxial GH 2 -GO 2 injector for turbulent combustion modeling are analyzed.Nomenclature C , C = model coefficients for the subgrid closure D = mass diffusivity, m 2 s 1 e T = total energy (internal kinetic) per unit mass, J kg 1 H sgs = subgrid enthalpy flux, J m 2 h k = partial massic enthalpy of species k, J kg 1 J k = mass diffusion flux, kg m 2 k sgs = turbulent kinetic energy, m 2 s 2 N S = number of species considered P sgs = production of turbulent kinetic energy, kg m 1 s 3 p = pressure, pa Q IK = heat flux in the Irving-Kirkwood form, J m 2 Q sgs k = subgrid enthalpy flux due to diffusion of species k, J m 2 R = gas constant, J kg 1 K 1 T = temperature, k t = time, s u = velocity, m s 1 V k = diffusion velocity of species k, m s 1 x i = Cartesian coordinate, m Y k = mass fraction of species k = grid filter size, m sgs = subgrid dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, kg m 1 s 3 sgs k = subgrid species diffusive flux, kg m 2 = thermal conductivity, W m 1 K 1 = dynamic viscosity, Pa s = density, kg m 3 sgs = subgrid heat flux, J m 2 ij = stress tensor Subscripts i, j = Cartesian direction k = species k property m = mixture property Superscripts x = spatially filtered quantitỹ x = Favre-filtered quantity x sgs = subgrid quantity