This article presents a machinery based on polyhedral products that produces faithful representations of graph products of finite groups and direct products of finite groups into automorphisms of free groups Aut(Fn) and outer automorphisms of free groups Out(Fn), respectively, as well as faithful representations of products of finite groups into the linear groups SL(n, Z) and GL(n, Z). These faithful representations are realized as monodromy representations. 1 2. Polyhedral products and related fibrations Moment-angle complexes, originally invented by Davis and Januszckiewicz [8], appeared also in the work of Buchstaber and Panov [5] in the context of toric topology. Polyhedral products are a generalization of moment-angle complexes and were introduced and popularized by work of Bahri, Bendersky, Cohen and Gitler [2], and are the main objects of study in toric topology; see the more recent monograph by Buchstaber and Panov [6]. Definition 2.1. Let (X, A) denote a sequence of pointed CW -pairs {(X i , A i )} n i=1 and [n] denote the sequence of integers {1, 2, . . . , n}.