Cloud computing could be a revolutionary computing paradigm, that allows versatile, on-demand, and inexpensive usage of computing resources, however the info is outsourced to some cloud servers, and varied privacy considerations emerge from it. Various schemes Supported the attribute-based coding have been projected to secure the cloud storage. However, most work focuses on the info contents privacy and therefore the access management, while less attention is paid to the privilege management and therefore the identity privacy. During this paper, a semi anonymous privilege management theme AnonyControl is proposed to handle not solely the data privacy, however conjointly the user identity privacy in existing access control schemes. Anony Control decentralizes the central authority to limit the identity run and therefore achieves semi anonymity. Besides, it conjointly generalizes the file access management to the privilege control, by that privileges of all operations on the cloud knowledge can be managed in an exceedingly fine-grained manner. Afterwards, the Anony Control-F is presented, that totally prevents the identity leakage and succeed the complete namelessness. The security analysis shows that each Anony Control and Anony Control-F square measure secure under the decisional linear Diffie-Hellman assumption, and new performance analysis exhibits the practicableness of new schemes.