Given an undirected graph G, a collection {(s 1 , t 1 ), . . . , (s k , t k )} of pairs of vertices, and an integer p, the Edge Multicut problem asks if there is a set S of at most p edges such that the removal of S disconnects every s i from the corresponding t i . Vertex Multicut is the analogous problem where S is a set of at most p vertices. Our main result is that both problems can be solved in time 2 O(p 3 ) · n O(1) , i.e., fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the size p of the cutset in the solution. By contrast, it is unlikely that an algorithm with running time of the form f (p) · n O(1) exists for the directed version of the problem, as we show it to be W[1]-hard parameterized by the size of the cutset.
Introduction. From the classical results of Ford and Fulkerson on minimum s − t cuts [20] to the more recent O(√ log n)-approximation algorithms for sparsest cut problems [44,1,18], the study of cut and separation problems has a deep and rich theory. One well-studied problem in this area is the Edge Multicut problem: given a graph G and pairs of vertices (s 1 , t 1 ), . . . , (s k , t k ), remove a minimum set of edges such that every s i is disconnected from its corresponding t i for every 1 ≤ i ≤ k. For k = 1, Edge Multicut is the classical s − t cut problem and can be solved in polynomial time. For k = 2, Edge Multicut remains polynomial-time solvable [46], but it becomes NP-hard for every fixed k ≥ 3 [15]. Edge Multicut can be approximated within a factor of O(log k) in polynomial time [22] (even in the weighted case, where the goal is to minimize the total weight of the removed edges). However, under the unique games conjecture of Khot [29], no constant factor approximation is possible [7]. One can analogously define the Vertex Multicut problem, where the task is to remove a minimum set of vertices. An easy reduction shows that the vertex version is more general than the edge version.Using brute force, one can decide in time n O(p) if a solution of size at most p exists. Our main result is a more efficient exact algorithm for small values of p (the O * notation hides factors that are polynomial in the input size).