In this paper we present a new graph that is closely related to the classical zero-divisor graph. In our case two nonzero distinct zero divisors x and y of a commutative ring R are adjacent whenever there exist two nonnegative integers n and m such that x n y m = 0 with x n ̸ = 0 and y m ̸ = 0. This yields an extension of the classical zero divisor graph Γ(R) of R , which will be denoted by Γ(R). First we distinguish when Γ(R) and Γ(R) coincide. Various examples in this context are given. We show that if Γ(R) ̸ = Γ(R) , then Γ(R) must contain a cycle. We also show that if Γ(R) ̸ = Γ(R) and Γ(R) is complemented, then the total quotient ring of R is zero-dimensional. Among other things, the diameter and girth of Γ(R) are also studied.