It is shown, that the exponential decrease of the energy spectra of the reaction final fragments with increasing energy, which does not depend from the fragment's type, targets, projectiles and projectile energies, and which sometimes accompanied slight oscillations, can be explained by the unique phenomenon of time resonances. These time resonances correspond to decay of intermediate excited nuclear composite system. For the first time, expressions for the decay rate and the probability of survival of such system as a function on time are obtained. Inclusive spectra for protons p and helium isotopes 3 He in high-energy nuclear reactions 20 Ne + 238 U → p + X (2.1 GeV/nucleon) and 20 Ne + 238 U → 3 He + X' (2.1 GeV/nucleon) are calculated.PACS numbers: 25.00. 00, 25.90.+k, 03.65 Keywords: exponential decreasing of the inclusive spectra, time resonances, non-exponential or resonant decay of stable nuclear clots * Electronic address: