Abstract.The category TOP of topological spaces is known to be Convsimple in the sense that there exists a single object E in Top such that Top is the epireflective hull of {£} in the category Conv of convergence spaces. Prtop, the category of pretopological spaces is also Conv-simple. We show that on the contrary the category Pstop of pseudo topological spaces and Conv itself are not Conv-simple. More specifically every epireflective subcategory of Conv which contains all Hausdorff oembedded locally compact spaces is not Conv-simple.For references on topological categories, reflective subcategories and reflective hulls we refer to [6,8,9,10].Let sé be a topological category. All subcategories 38 are assumed to be full and isomorphim-closed. A subcategory 38 of sé is epireflective in sé if it is closed with respect to the formation of products and subobjects in sé . In this context " Y is a subobject of X " means that there exists an embedding from X to Y . This notion coincides with the categorical notion of extremal subobject.Every subcategory < §* of sé is contained in a smallest epireflective subcategory, its epireflective hull, which is denoted by R%. An object A of sé belongs to R% if and only if A is a subobject of a product of objects of <£ . A subcategory 33 of sé is called sé -simple if there exists a single object E of 38 such that 38 is the epireflective hull in sé of the class {E} , i.e., 38 = R{E} .Several examples of this situation are well known. If we take sé = Conv then its bireflective subcategory Top is Conv-simple. Several subcategories of TOP are Conv-simple too, see for instance [4,5,6,7,9,14]. Simplicity remains true if TOP is enlarged to the bireflective subcategory Prtop. This can be derived from results in [1].In this paper we show that simplicity however does not extend to the larger bireflective subcategories Pstop or to Conv itself.