The general theory of MST radar observations of gravity wave spectra is developed in this paper. This effort extends the previous results to include anisotropy and Doppler effects for the spectra, as wellas theconsequencesforthemultibeamconfiguration. The relationships between theobservedone-or two-dimensional spectra fortheline-of-sight velocity inthegravity wave spectra are derived.Expressionsforcrossspectra, as wellas covariancesbetween velocities observedon different beams, arecomputed. Using theseresults, studies arecarded outtoshow how model parametersforgravity wave spectra can be estimatedfrom theobservedquantities. Model parametersincludethe variance, power-law indices, anisotropyparameters, Doppler parameters, mean scale sizes, etc.Caseswithdifferent numbers of beams willbe investigated.