In this paper we focus on the application of a higher-order finite volume method for the resolution of Computational Aeroacoustics problems. In particular, we present the application of a finite volume method based in Moving Least Squares approximations in the context of a hybrid approach for low Mach number flows. In this case, the acoustic and aerodynamic fields can be computed separately. We focus on two kinds of computations: turbulent flow and aeroacoustics in complex geometries. Both fields require very accurate methods to capture the fine features of the flow, small scales in the case of turbulent flows and very low-amplitude acoustic waves in the case of aeroacoustics. On the other hand, the use of unstructured grids is interesting for real engineering applications, but unfortunately, the accuracy and efficiency of the numerical methods developed for unstructured grids is far to reach the performance of those methods developed for structured grids. In this context, we propose the FV-MLS method as a tool for accurate CAA computations on unstructured grids. X. Nogueira ( ) · I. Colominas · J. París · H. Gómez