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Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
AbstractLet M be either a topological manifold, a Hilbert cube manifold, or a Menger manifold and let D be an arbitrary countable dense subset of M . Consider the topological group H(M, D) which consists of all autohomeomorphisms of M that map D onto itself equipped with the compact-open topology. We present a complete solution to the topological classification problem for H(M, D) as follows. If M is a one-dimensional topological manifold, then we proved in an earlier paper that H(M, D) is homeomorphic to Q ω , the countable power of the space of rational numbers. In all other cases we find in this paper that H(M, D) is homeomorphic to the famed Erdős space E, which consists of the vectors in Hilbert space 2 with rational coordinates. We obtain the second result by developing topological characterizations of Erdős space. If X is compact then the standard topology on the group of homeomorphisms H(X) of X is the so-called compact-open topology (which coincides with the topology of uniform convergence). For noncompact locally compact spaces we give H(X) the topology that this group inherits from H(αX), where αX is the one-point compactification. In either case we have that H(X) a Polish topological group. If A is a subset of a space X then H(X, A) stands for the subgroup {h ∈ H(X) : h(A) = A} of H(X).Brouwer [11] showed that R is countable dense homogeneous, that is, for all countable dense subsets A and B of R there is an h ∈ H(R) with h(A) = B. It is not difficult to prove that every R n has this property. In view of Brouwer's result it is a natural idea to investigate the group H(R n , Q n ). It was shown in Dijkstra and van Mill [21] that the group H(R, Q) is homeomorphic to the z...