In this article we present a refinement of the base point free theorem for threefolds in positive characteristic. If L is a nef Cartier divisor of numerical dimension at least one on a projective Kawamata log terminal threefold (X, ∆) over a perfect field k of characteristic p ≫ 0 such that L − (K X + ∆) is big and nef, then we show that the linear system |mL| is base point free for all sufficiently large integer m > 0. Contents 10 3.2. Descent for pl-contractions over threefolds and surfaces 10 4. The base point free theorem in large characteristic 13 4.1. Birational case 13 4.2. Conic bundles 15 4.3. General case 16 References 18 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14E30. Key words and phrases. base point free theorem, vanishing theorems, positive characteristic.