Structured adaptive mesh refinement methods are being widely used for computer simulations of various physical phenomena . Parallel implementations potentially offer realistic simulations of complex three-dimensional applications . But achieving good scalability for large-scale applications is non-trivial . Performance is limited by the partitioner ' s ability to efficiently use the underlying parallel computer's resources . Designed on sound SAMR principles, Nature+Fable is a hybrid, dedicated SAMR partitioning tool that brings together the advantages of both domain-based and patch-based techniques while avoiding their drawbacks. But the original bi-level partitioning approach in Nature+Fable is insufficient as it for realistic applications regards frequently occurr ing bi-levels as "impossible " and fails . This document describes an improved bi-level partitioning algorithm that successfully copes with all possible 3 hi-levels . The improved algorithm uses the original approach side-by-side with a new, complementing approach . By using a new, customized classification method, the improved algorithm switches automatically between the two approaches . This document describes the algorithms, discusses implementation issues, and presents experimental results . The improved version of Nature+Fable was found to be able to handle realistic applications and also to generate less imbalances, similar box count, but more communication as compared to the native, domainbased partitioner in the SAMR framework AMROC.