The physicochemical features of corrosion inhibition of metals (alloys) strongly depend on the composition of the corrosive environment, its pH, temperature t, hydrodynamic conditions, the chemical nature of the metal to be protected, and the state of its surface, the presence of oxides, dirt, or corrosion products on it. This "multifactor" nature of corrosion seriously complicates the theoretical choice of an efficient corrosion inhibitor (CI), often requiring careful experimental studies and creating unjustified skepticism about the fundamental character of the physical chemistry area related to the study and development of CIs. Meanwhile, this skepticism can be proved wrong by the progress made over the past quarter century in various subareas.
Key words: corrosion inhibitors, adsorption, metal passivation, volatile corrosion inhibitors, migrating inhibitors, local depassivation of metals, protecting coatings.
Adsorption of corrosion inhibitors on metals and passivationAdsorption on a protected surface is the first event that often determines CI efficiency. Difficulties of its measurement in situ are caused by dissolution and/or oxidation of the metal substrate with time. The uncertainty in separating the effects of adsorption and changes of the state of the metal surface often does not permit to unambiguously interpret the results obtained, for example, by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) or using radioactive tracers. In his first "Inhibitors of corrosion of metals in neutral media" (1953), I.L. Rozenfel'd considered only inorganic CIs. He remained interested in these inhibitors throughout his whole life, so it is not surprising that in his latest book "Corrosion Inhibitors" (1977) he reexamined the interaction of some inorganic CIs, primarily chromate, with the metal at a more modern level, including a quantum-chemical approach. However, studies on the