“…pension benefits of individuals currently at work. † In what follows, we benefit from the availability of the different components of w s (from Beltrametti, 1995) and introduce an estimate of the net of tax social transfers component of disposable income, so that w s = w sw +w sr −w sc and y d =y+y s (disregarding net government transfers to firms which are assumed to have been already netted out from all income variables) where w sw is the discounted stream of pension benefits for current workers, w sr is the discounted stream of pensions for current retirees, w sc is the discounted stream of social security contributions by current workers and we recall that y s is the (net of tax) pension income flow. In equation (1.1), then, one should replace y d with y and w s with w sg =w sr +w sw =w s +w sc .…”