We consider one-dimensional inhomogeneous parabolic equations with higher-order elliptic differential operators subject to periodic boundary conditions. In our main result we show that the property of continuous maximal regularity is satisfied in the setting of periodic little-Hölder spaces, provided the coefficients of the differential operator satisfy minimal regularity assumptions. We address parameter-dependent elliptic equations, deriving invertibility and resolvent bounds which lead to results on generation of analytic semigroups. We also demonstrate that the techniques and results of the paper hold for elliptic differential operators with operator-valued coefficients, in the setting of vector-valued functions.
IntroductionIn this paper we consider the following abstract periodic inhomogeneous equationwhere A(·, D) := 2m k=0 b k (·)D k is a differential operator of order 2m, with variable coefficients b k : R → C. Further, we enforce periodic boundary conditions on the problem by assuming that the given functions u 0 , b k , f (t, ·), for t ≥ 0, k = 0, . . . , 2m, are all 2π -periodic in x ∈ R. Hence, we will be looking for solutions u(t, ·) which also exhibit 2π -periodicity on R, for t > 0. We will also consider the more general setting of vector-valued functions u 0 , f (t, ·), u(t, ·) : R → E, and operator-valued coefficients b k : R → L(E), for an arbitrary Banach space E over C. This more general setting is discussed in Sect. 6.Understanding the nature of solutions (i.e., existence, uniqueness and regularity) to inhomogeneous equations of this form is integral to the study of abstract quasilinear equations. In the quasilinear setting, we see that (0.1) takes the form ∂ t u + A(u, D)u = F(u), (2000): Primary 35G16, 35J30; Secondary 35K59, 42A45.
Mathematics Subject Classification