A phase field model for elastic-plastic fracture is presented, which is based on an energy functional composed of an elastic energy contribution, a plastic dissipation potential and a fracture energy. The coupling of the mechanical fields with the fracture field is modeled by a degradation function. Due to the proposed coupling it is possible to solve the global system of differential equations in a monolithic iterative solution scheme. Numerical simulations are presented, where the choice of the degradation function is investigated and a staggered is compared to monolithic iteration scheme. The proposed ductile phase field fracture model with linear isotropic hardening is an extension of an elastic phase field fracture model [1], which can be regarded as a regularized approximation of the variational formulation of brittle fracture by [2]. The crack field variable s ranging from 1 for undamaged to 0 for fully damaged material, together with the displacement vector represent the set of independent variables in the energy density formulation Ψ that consists of three parts: the Griffith-type fracture energy Ψ fr along with the contributions of elastic Ψ el and plastic deformation Ψ pl . Compared to the linear elastic model a dissipation potential Π pl accounting for the accumulated plastic strain, represented by the internal variable α, is added to the elastic energy contribution W el . The elastic strain is the difference between the total and the plastic strain ε p , the second internal variable. A small strain scenario is assumed. The fourth order stiffness tensor C is assumed to be isotropic. The plastic material behavior is characterized by the plastic variables, the linear hardening modulus H and the initial yield stress σ Y . The degradation function g(s) models the decrease in stiffness of broken material as well as the coupling between plastic deformation and the evolution of fracture. The dimensionless parameter η is introduced for numerical reasons. Parameter G c describes the fracture resistance and can be related to the fracture toughness in the elastic material. The width of the transition zone between broken and undamaged material is controlled by the length parameter .withandEquilibrium of stresses has to hold, wherein the stresses are computed from the energy density formulationThe Ginzburg-Landau equation describes the evolution of the fracture fieldThe parameter M in this viscous approximation has to be chosen high enough in order to approximate quasi-static conditions, where δΨ δs = 0. The hardening force q, which is driving the plasticity is given as