Three-wave interaction between capillary-gravity waves on a uniformly charged free fluid surface is analyzed using second-order analytic calculations. The time evolution of the wave amplitudes in the state of nonlinear resonance is studied. It is shown that the number of three-wave resonances is infinite and their exact locations for waves of finite amplitude depend on the initial conditions. Analytic investigations of nonlinear periodic capillary-gravity waves on an uncharged fluid surface were begun approximately a century ago [1,2]. In a half a century a more efficient method of the investigation, namely, different-time scale method was developed [3,4]. Thereafter, investigations of nonlinear waves on the charged fluid surface directed to finding soliton solutions were also begun [5][6][7][8]. The effects of viscosity [9], electric charge [10] and its relaxation [11], surface active agent relaxation [12], fluid stratification [13], and tangential jump in the velocity field on the stratification boundary [14] on implementation of the nonlinear wave motion and location of internal nonlinear resonances were studied. Nevertheless, the question of physical laws of the energy exchange between the waves under the conditions of internal nonlinear resonances both degenerated and secondary combinational ones remains unclear. This seems to be more strange since for a spherical drop [15] or a cylindrical jet of an ideal conducting fluid this problem is solved. The present study is devoted to investigation of the energy exchange between the waves under the conditions of internal nonlinear resonances.By the nonlinear internal interaction between waves is meant the interaction between waves determining the initial deformation and waves with multiply increased wavenumbers which are generated due to nonlinearity of the hydrodynamic equations.