The photochemical ring opening of spiropyrans in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) host films in the presence of a high-voltage electric field (2-5 MV/cm) leads to a photo-orientation of photomerocyanines. Since photomerocyanines have rather high first-order hyperpolarizabilities, this photo-orientation leads to secondharmonic generation (SHG). The second-order susceptibility & of PMMA films doped with 6-nitro-1',3',3'-trimethylspiro[2H-l-benzopyran-2,2'-indoline] (25% w/w) has been measured at 10 p m N . If a PMMA film doped with spiropyran and preoriented by corona poling at 90 "C is irradiated in the UV, an SHG signal of photomerocyanine is also observed as a result of a memory effect of the orientation of spiropyran molecules. The photoswitching of this nonlinear optical property can be inverted by visible light irradiation. Only partially reversible switching is observed because of a gradual light-induced disorientation of photomerocyanine dipoles.Photochemical quantum yields of the spiropyran * photomerocyanine reaction have also been determined in PMMA for one system. Dipole moments and hyperpolarizabilities of closed and open forms have been calculated by semiempirical and finite field methods for an analogous system.