We first formulate a function field version of Vojta's generalized abc conjecture for algebraic tori. We then show a function field analogue of the Lang-Vojta Conjecture for varieties of log general type that are ramified covers of G n m . In particular, it includes the case P n \ D, where D is a hypersurface over a function field in P n with n + 1 irreducible components and deg D ≥ n + 2. The main tools include generalizations of the techniques developed by Corvaja and Zannier in [7] and [8] and a gcd estimate of two multivariable polynomials over function fields evaluated at S-unit arguments. The gcd theorem obtained here is an adaptation of Levin's methods for number fields in [17] via a weaker version of Schmidt's subspace theorem over function fields (cf. [33]), which we derive with the use of Vojta's machine in [26] in a setting over the constant fields.