Hypoxic-ischemic lesions are conditions that develop in premature and preterm infants, resulting
in central nervous system disorders, the main cause of which is perinatal asphyxia caused by hypoxia and
ischemia. A more complete picture in terms of epidemiology of CNS lesions in perinatal age is given by the introduction of a unified (end-to-end) registry of patients and the practice of standardizing approaches to the
classification (systematization) of these lesions. In this regard, bringing the routinely practiced approaches to a common denominator (classifications of both RASPM and Sarnat and Levin), building terminological component and diagnostic criteria of perinatal CNS pathologies will significantly reduce the manifestations of overdiagnosis and increase the validity of selectivity of forms and methods of treatment, and as a consequence will positively affect the practical efficiency of epidemiological studies, unification and effectiveness of therapeutic approaches.