We consider some conditions for imprimitivity of irreducible representations of a metebelian group G of finite rank over a field k. We shoved that in the case where chark = p > 0 these conditions strongly depend on existence of infinite p-sections in G.Key words and phrases: primitive representations, metabelian groups, rank of groups.Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, 72 Gagarin avenue, 49010, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine E-mail: tushev@member.ams.orgWe recall that a group G has finite (Prufer) rank if there is an integer r such that each finitely generated subgroup of G can be generated by r elements; its rank r(G) is then the least integer r with this property. A group G is said to have finite torsion-free rank if it has a finite series in which each factor is either infinite cyclic or locally finite; its torsion-free rank r 0 (G) is then defined to be the number of infinite cyclic factors in such a series. The set SpG of all prime numbers p such that a soluble group G of finite rank has a p-quasicyclic factor is said to be the spectrum of the group G.A group G is said to be minimax if it has a finite series each of whose factor is either cyclic or quasicyclic. It follows from results of [3] that any finitely generated metabelian group of finite rank is minimax.Let R be a ring and let G be a group. Let H be a subgroup of the group G and let U be a right RH-module. Since the group ring RG can be considered as a left RH-module, we can define the tensor product U ⊗ RH RG which is a right RG-module named as the RG-module induced from the RH-module U.If M is an RG-module and M = U⊗ RH RGfor some subgroup H ≤ G and some RH-submodule U of M, then the module M is said to be induced from the RH-submodule U. An RG-module M is said to be primitive if for any subgroup H < G and any RH-submodule U < M the identity (1) does not hold. If the group G has finite torsion-free rank and for any subgroup H < G such that r 0 (H) < r 0 (G) and any RH-submodule the identity (1) does not hold, then the module M is said to be semi-primitive. A representation of the group G is said to be primitive (semi-primitive) if the module of the representation is primitive (semiprimitive). Certainly, primitive irreducible modules are a basic subject for investigations when we are dealing with induced modules and, naturally, the following question appears: what can be said on the construction of a group if it has a faithful primitive irreducible representation over a field? УДК 512.544