Understanding the relationship which integrable (solvable) models, all of which possess very special symmetry properties, have with the generic non-integrable models that are used to describe real experiments, which do not have the symmetry properties, is one of the most fundamental open questions in both statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. The importance of the two-dimensional Ising model in a magnetic field is that it is the simplest system where this relationship may be concretely studied. We here review the advances made in this study, and concentrate on the magnetic susceptibility which has revealed an unexpected natural boundary phenomenon. When this is combined with the Fermionic representations of conformal characters, it is suggested that the scaling theory, which smoothly connects the lattice with the correlation length scale, may be incomplete for H = 0.Subject Index: 010, 040 §1. IntroductionIt may be rightly said that the two-dimensional-Ising model for H = 0 is one of the most important systems studied in theoretical physics. It is the first statistical mechanical system which can be exactly solved which exhibits a phase transition. From the exact results for the free energy, 1) spontaneous magnetization, 2),3) and correlation functions 4)−8) a point of view has been developed, which embraces the concepts of scaling, universality and conformal field theory, that extends the exact results of the Ising model to more general situations. These concepts are widely used to analyze both experiments and models of critical phenomena. Furthermore the correlation functions provide very concrete realizations of the concepts of mass and wave function renormalization used to define Euclidean quantum field theories.However, starting with the work of Nickel 9),10) on the magnetic susceptibility new properties of the Ising model have been uncovered 11)−27) which go beyond what has been seen in the computations of the free energy, spontaneous magnetization and correlation functions. These new features need to be explored to see if there is relevant physics which is not incorporated in our current view of critical phenomena. In this article we will review these new phenomena and the relation they have with scaling theory and Euclidean quantum field theory.In §2 we define what will be meant by an Ising model. In §3 we review the known exact results for H = 0. In addition to the well known results for the free energy 1) and the magnetization 2),3) we will put particular emphasis on the magnetic susceptibility which has an expansion analogous 6),9),10) to a Feynman diagram expansion. These Ising model integrals share with Feynman diagram integrals the