—The estimation results of the initial total unconventional resources of hydrocarbon in Domanik type sediments, the Khadum and Bazhenov formations are provided. The reasonability of estimating hydrocarbon resources in these deposits by the volumetric method is substantiated. The stratigraphic interval of their distribution is given. The technique of oil and gas geological zoning based on the mapping of structural and facies zones, the degree of catagenetic transformation of organic matter, and the boundary values of the thickness of carbonaceous rocks in the section is described. The criteria for the allocation of pay intervals that make up the effective part of the section are determined. The choice of parameters such as porosity coefficient, oil recovery coefficient, oil saturation coefficient, correction factor and oil density is justified. For each complex of deposits, adjustments related to the features of the geological structure of the estimation targets, the conditions of their occurrence and the degree of geological and geophysical study have been introduced into the estimation of total geological resources. The volumes of total geological and recoverable resources of unconventional hydrocarbon sources for the Volga– Ural, Timan–Pechora, Black Sea–North Caucasus, West Siberian and Lena–Tunguska oil and gas provinces are given. The conducted research has rationalized extensive resources, the recovery of which can compensate for the decrease in oil volumes from traditional deposits.