We study the twist-induced deformation procedure of a torus T n and of quantum mechanics of a scalar charged quantum particle on T n in the presence of a magnetic field B. We first summarize our recent results regarding the equivalence of the undeformed theory on T n to the analogous one on R n subject to a quasiperiodicity constraint: we describe the sections of the associated hermitean line bundle on T n as wavefunctions ψ ∈ C ∞ (R n) periodic up to a suitable phase factor V depending on B and require the covariant derivative components ∇ a to map the space X V of such ψ's into itself. The ∇ a corresponding to a constant B generate a Lie algebra g Q and together with the periodic functions the algebra O Q of observables. The non-abelian part of g Q is a Heisenberg Lie algebra with the electric charge operator Q as the central generator; the corresponding Lie group G Q acts on the Hilbert space as the translation group up to phase factors. The unitary irreducible representations of O Q ,Y Q corresponding to integer charges are parametrized by a point in the reciprocal torus. We then apply the ⋆-deformation procedure induced by a Drinfel'd twist F ∈ Ug Q ⊗Ug Q , sticking for simplicity to abelian twists, to the symmetry Hopf algebra Ug Q , to the algebra X of functions on T n and to O Q in a gauge-independent way, to X V and to the action of O Q on the latter in a specific gauge. X V , O Q are 'rigid', i.e. isomorphic to X V ⋆ , O Q ⋆ , although X and X ⋆ are not isomorphic and therefore X V ⋆ as a X ⋆-bimodule is not isomorphic to the X-bimodule X V .