Abstract. We prove that S4"'~3 admits an almost-quaternion (m -l)-substructure if and only if m = 2, completing the missing case in our paper On quaternionic James numbers and almost-quaternion substructures on the sphere.In [2], an almost-quaternion substructure on an orientable zz-manifold M is defined as the reduction of the structure group of T(M) from SO(n) to Sp(k) X SO(n -4k). This is equivalent to the existence of a 4zc-dimensional subbundle of T(M) together with two normalized almost complex structure maps F, G (see [1]), defined on the total space of the subbundle such that FG = -GF. In [2] we have given a theorem which describes the values of zc and n such that S" admits an almost-quaternion ^-substructure. There, all the cases were covered except for the case n = 4zrz -3 and k = m -\ for some zrz. In this note we prove the following theorem about this case:' Theorem. s4m~3 admits an almost-quaternion (m -\)-substructure if and only if m = 2.