Abstract. Given a suitable functor T : C → D between model categories, we define a long exact sequence relating the homotopy groups of any X ∈ C with those of T X, and use this to describe an obstruction theory for lifting an object G ∈ D to C. Examples include finding spaces with given homology or homotopy groups.
IntroductionA number of fundamental problems in algebraic topology can be described as measuring the extent to which a given functor T : C → D between model categories induces an equivalence of homotopy categories: more specifically, which objects (or maps) from D are in the image of T , and in how many different ways. For example: a) How does one distinguish between different topological spaces with the same homology groups, or with chain-homotopy equivalent chain complexes? How can one realize a given map of chain complexes up to homotopy? b) When do two simply-connected topological spaces have the same rational homotopy type? c) When is a given topological space a suspension, up to homotopy? Dually, how many distinct loop space structures, if any, can a given topological space carry? d) Is a given Π-algebra (that is, a graded group with an action of the primary homotopy operations) realizable as the homotopy groups of a topological space, and if so, in how many ways?Our goal is to describe a unified approach to such problems that works for functors between spherical model categories, for which several familiar concepts and constructions are available. These include a set A of models (to play the role of spheres, in particular determining the corresponding homotopy groups π