Abstract.Here we prove a slight modification of a conjecture of BeltramettiSommese proving that the Veronese surface and a.general intersection of 3 quadrics are the only smooth surfaces of CP5 which are 2-spanned.The aim of this short note is the proof of a slight modification of a conjecture raised in [BS, Conjecture 2.6], proving a slightly different and slightly more general result (see Theorem 1). The main tools will be an enumerative formula, a well-known theorem on projective curves and the classification given in [BS, §5], for embedded surfaces of sectional genus at most 5. To state the result we need to introduce a few notations. We work over the complex number field. Let S be a smooth, complete surface, L e Pic(S) and W C H°(S ,L). A finite subscheme Z of S is called curvilinear if it is contained in a smooth curve, i.e. if for all points P e Supp(Z), Z is given around P by equations x = ym = 0, x and y suitable local coordinates around P. According to is called Âc-spanned if the linear system on S determined by the embedding in P" /c-spans 5 . There are other, perhaps more natural, definitions of /c-spannedness (see [BFS, §4]), but not only is the one given here is the one used heavily in [BFS] and [BS], but also it seems the weakest one among the natural possible definitions, and so the one with which