In this article, we consider metrically thin singularities E of the solutions of the tangential Cauchy-Riemann operators on a C 2,α -smooth embedded Cauchy-Riemann generic manifold M (CR functions on M \E) and more generally, we consider holomorphic functions defined in wedgelike domains attached to M \E. Our main result establishes the wedge-and the L 1 -removability of E under the hypothesis that the (dim M −2)-dimensional Hausdorff volume of E is zero and that M and M \E are globally minimal. As an application, we deduce that there exists a wedgelike domain attached to an everywhere locally minimal M to which every CR-meromorphic function on M extends meromorphically. Subject Classification (1991): 32D20, 32A20, 32D10, 32V10, 32V25, 32V35