Cognitive radio network (CRN) is a promising technology to solve increasing spectrum scarcity problems in recent times. This study resolves the problem of cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) and spectrum allocation in CRN-CSS in order to improve spectrum efficiency. A two-stage spectrum allocation scheme is initiated by grouping secondary users (SUs) with the knowledge of one-hop neighbor approach, which leads to minimised grouping time. These grouped SUs perform spectrum sensing in cooperative manner. Optimal channel assignment (OCA) process assigns channels to each SU in a group in a dynamic manner. Upon the assigned channel, SU performs spectrum sensing with the aid of the enhanced threshold energy detection (ETED) method. Finally, the available spectrum is allocated to SUs by a novel two-stage allocation approach. In this approach, SUs, which provide accurate spectrum sensing result, are given high priority for spectrum allocation. These SUs are detected through global decision making at the fusion centre (FC). A novel mining tree scheme with a spectrum agent is adopted for decision making at the FC. The neuro-fuzzy based spectrum allocation scheme in two-stage allocation supports effective spectrum allocation. An extensive experimental result exhibits promising improvements than in the previous approaches.