This is a continuation of the paper (J Number Theory 79 (1999) 217) on saturated distinguished chains (SDCs) over a local field K. Here, we give a "canonical" choice of the next element 1 in a SDC for = 1 + 1 considered in (Ota, 1999) for wildly totally ramified Galois extensions, and this leads us to consider a tower of fields, K ⊂ K 1 ⊂ K 2 ⊂ . . ., where K 1 = K( 1 ) and K n /K is wildly totally ramified. The union of these fields K = ∞ n=1 K n is particularly interesting, for its conductor over K is very small, close to 1. Moreover, in some cases K is uniquely determined up to isomorphism over K for any such extensions of the same type. We also consider SDCs for an element = 1 + 1 2 + · · · + 1 2 · · · n for totally ramified Galois extensions of type (m, m, ..., m), where m is a power of the characteristic of the residual field of K.