Let M be a 3-manifold. Every knotted (embedded) surface in M × R can be moved via an ambient isotopy in such a way that its projection into M is a generic surface. A surface is generic if every point on it is either a regular, double or triple value -the transversal intersection of 1, 2 or 3 embedded surface sheets, or a "branch value" that look like Whitney's umbrella. We elaborate on this in Definition 3.1.1. The double values form arcs, and along each arc two long strips of surface intersect. In a knotted surface, the additional R coordinate distinguishes between the two strips. One of them must be "higher" than the other. We elaborate on this in Definition 3.1.3.The lifting problem is the problem of determining if a generic surface in M can occur as the M -projection of a knotted surface in 4-space in M × R. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the computational aspects of the lifting problem. We will prove that the problem is NP-complete, and devise an efficient algorithm that determines if a generic surface is liftable.A surface can be lifted iff one can choose, along each of the double arcs of the surface, which of the two intersecting surface strips is "higher" without arriving at some sort of obstruction. There are two obstructions that might occur. First, what locally looks like two distinct surface strips may globally "join" into one strip. We call a double arc in which the two surface strips join "non-trivial".We elaborate on this in Definition 3.2.1. A generic surface that has a non-trivial double arc cannot be lifted (see Lemma 3.2.2). If the surface has no non-trivial arcs, one can attempt to lift the surface by choosing which of the two strips at each arc is the higher one. i
List of Figures3.1 How to draw a generic surface and / or broken surface diagram .