For the model considered by Chaturvedi, Pandey and Gupta (1991). two classes of sequential procedures are developed to construct contidcnce regions (which may be interval, elllpso~dal or spherical) of 'pre-assigned width and coverage probability' for the parameters of interest and for the minimum r~s k point estimation (takingloss to be quadratic plus linear cost of sampling) of the nuisance parameter. Second-Order approximations are derived for the expected sample w e , cvverage probability and 'regret' associated with the two classes ofsequential procedures. A simplc and direct method of ohtaming the asymptoticdistribution of the stopping time is provided. By means of examples, it is illustrated that several estimation problems can be tackled with the help of proposed classes of sequentla1 procedures.AMS IYXO (lusvficut~un 62L12