Let X be a zero-dimensional metric space and X ′ its derived set. We prove the following assertions: (1) the space C k (X, 2) is an Ascoli space iff C k (X, 2) is k R -space iff either X is locally compact or X is not locally compact but X ′ is compact, (2) C k (X, 2) is a k-space iff either X is a topological sum of a Polish locally compact space and a discrete space or X is not locally compact but X ′ is compact, (3) C k (X, 2) is a sequential space iff X is a Polish space and either X is locally compact or X is not locally compact but X ′ is compact, (4) C k (X, 2) is a Fréchet-Urysohn space iff C k (X, 2) is a Polish space iff X is a Polish locally compact space, (5) C k (X, 2) is normal iff X ′ is separable, (6) C k (X, 2) has countable tightness iff X is separable. In cases (1)-(3) we obtain also a topological and algebraical structure of C k (X, 2).