In this paper we give three applications of a method to prove h-principles on closed manifolds. Under weaker conditions this method proves a homological h-principle, under stronger conditions it proves a homotopical one. The three applications are as follows: a homotopical version of Vassiliev's h-principle, the contractibility of the space of framed functions, and a version of Mather-Thurston theory.source of the "categorical approach" to h-principles known to the author is a collection of lecture notes due to Michael Weiss [Wei15].1.2. Applications. The goal of this paper is to give three applications of Theorem A. The first is the contractibility of the space of framed functions, see Corollary 6.4. It was originally proven by Eliashberg-Mishachev [EM12], and Galatius used techniques similar to ours in an unpublished proof. Corollary B. The space G fr (M rel b) of framed functions is contractible for all smooth manifolds M and boundary conditions b near ∂M . Our second application is a generalization of Vassiliev's h-principle [Vas92], see Corollary 5.12. It will be a consequence of Thom's jet transversality theorem and implies the hprinciple for generalized Morse functions proven in [EM00].Corollary C. Suppose Z is a smooth manifold and D is a closed Diff-invariant stratified subset of codimension at least n + 2 of the space of r-jets of smooth functions R n → Z. Let F (−, D) denote the space of functions to Z with r-jet avoiding D, then the mapis a homology equivalence for all smooth manifolds M of dimension n and boundary conditions b near ∂M . If D is additionally Diff(Z)-invariant, then this map is in fact a weak equivalence.Finally, we give short proof of a version of Mather-Thurston theory for foliations. Let Fol CAT (−) denote the space of codimension n CAT-foliations as in Definition 7.2. There is a unique such foliation F 0 on a single manifold M , which we can take as a boundary condition near ∂M .Corollary D. The map j : Fol CAT (M rel F 0 ) → Fol f CAT (M rel j(F 0 )) is a homology equivalence for all CAT-manifolds M of dimension n.