We generalize some results of Borwein, Burke, Lewis, and Wang to mappings with values in metric (resp. ordered normed linear) spaces. We define two classes of monotone mappings between an ordered linear space and a metric space (resp. ordered linear space): K-monotone dominated and coneto-cone monotone mappings. K-monotone dominated mappings naturally generalize mappings with finite variation (in the classical sense) and K-monotone functions defined by Borwein, Burke and Lewis, to mappings with domains and ranges of higher dimensions. First, using results of Veselý and Zajíček, we show some relationships between these classes. Then, we show that every K-monotone function f : X → R, where X is any Banach space, is continuous outside of a set which can be covered by countably many Lipschitz hypersurfaces. This sharpens a result due to Borwein and Wang. As a consequence, we obtain a similar result for K-monotone dominated and cone-to-cone monotone mappings. Finally, we prove several results concerning almost everywhere differentiability (also in metric and w * -senses) of these mappings.