This contribution is devoted to new records of a few known, and to descriptions of the following nine new, species from China: Gonobelus pentaspinus sp.n., Kronopolites semirugosus sp.n., Hedinomorpha nigra sp.n., Sellanucheza typica sp.n., Sigipinius complex sp.n. and S. simplex sp.n., all from Sichuan, S. kabaki sp.n. from Xinjiang, as well as S. campanuliformis sp.n. and Hedinomorpha subnigra sp.n., both latter species from Yunnan. The diagnosis and systematic position of Sigipinius Hoffman, 1961 are refined, the type species, S. grahami Hoffman, 1961, is redescribed, based on abundant near-topotype material, whereas this genus is transferred to the tribe Sundaninini, comb.n., and considered as a new subjective senior synonym of Chinomorpha Golovatch, 2011, syn.n. Keys to all currently known eight, six and six species of Hedinomorpha Verhoeff, 1933, Sellanucheza Enghoff, Golovatch et Nguyen Duc, 2004 and Sigipinius are given, respectively. Additional records of Inversispina erectispina Golovatch, 2012 are presented from Sichuan, with remarks on variability. ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Äàííîå ñîîáùåíèå ïîñâÿùåíî íàõîäêàì íåñêîëüêèõ èçâåñòíûõ, à òàêaeå îïèñàíèÿì ñëåäóþùèõ äåâÿòè íîâûõ âèäîâ èç Êèòàÿ: Gonobelus pentaspinus sp.n., Kronopolites semirugosus sp.n., Hedinomorpha nigra sp.n., Sellanucheza typica sp.n., Sigipinius complex sp.n. è S. simplex sp.n., âñå èç Ñû÷óàíè, S. kabaki sp.n. èç Ñèíüçÿíÿ, à òàêaeå S. campanuliformis sp.n. è Hedinomorpha subnigra sp.n., îáà ïîñëåäíèõ âèäà èç Þííàíè. Óòî÷íåíû äèàãíîç è ñèñòåìàòè-÷åñêîå ïîëîaeåíèå ðîäà Sigipinius Hoffman, 1961, ïî ïî÷òè òîïîòèïàì ïåðåîïèñàí òèïîâîé âèä S. grahami Hoffman, 1961, à ñàì ðîä ïåðåíåñåí â ñîñòàâ òðèáû Sundaninini, comb.n., è ñ÷èòàåòñÿ íîâûì ñóáúåêòèâíûì ñòàðøèì ñèíîíèìîì ðîäà Chinomorpha Golovatch, 2011, syn.n. Äàíû êëþ÷è ñîîòâåòñòâåííî äëÿ âñåõ âîñüìè, øåñòè è øåñòè íûíå èçâåñòíûõ âèäîâ ðîäîâ Hedinomorpha Verhoeff, 1933, Sellanucheza Enghoff, Golovatch et Nguyen Duc, 2004 and Sigipinius. Ïðåäñòàâëåíû íîâûå íàõîäêè âèäà Inversispina erectispina Golovatch, 2012 â Ñû÷óàíè ñ çàìå÷àíèÿìè î åãî èçìåí÷èâîñòè.