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IntroductionFrom the customers' point of view, the main aim of a water distribution system (which is further abbreviated as WDS) is to deliver water, moreover -water of desirable quality and in necessary quantity. Therefore, different maintenance services have to be performed, e.g., broken or simply malfunctioned pipes or other parts of a WDS should be repaired or replaced. Because water is an indispensable good for humans, therefore also scientific literature devoted to reliability of water distribution systems is abundant. Firstly, let us mention reviews of various methods, approaches and literature, which can be found in, e.g., [15,28,29]. The papers themselves are very varied -some of them concern hydraulic and physical characteristics of parts of a WDS (see, e.g., [4,17]), other discuss rather a "macro-management" of a WDS rehabilitation problem (see, e.g., [12,22]) or only a "micromanagement" scale (e.g., for a single building, see [1]). Even some monitoring systems for failures detection in a WDS are proposed (see, e.g., [23]).Usually, if maintenance costs for a WDS are considered, planning for a relatively long-time horizon should be taken into account. Such a time interval covers 20, 50 or even 60 years (see, e.g., [12]). Of course, one unit of money, which is paid now, and the same unit in 50-60 years, are not equal. Therefore, an influence of a future / present value of the money onto a calculation of the maintenance costs should be taken into account. However, most of the authors apply only a constant interest rate, as a discount factor, to calculate a present value of future cash flows. Such an assumption is, of course, too strong and unrealistic in practical situations. Therefore, in this paper I adopt a more realistic and complex model -a variable interest rate, which is described by the widely known one-factor Vasicek model. Moreover, some model for intensities of malfunctions of parts of a WDS has to be assumed. As it is proposed in literature, it can be based on selected physical aspects of a pipe and numerical equations (like the Hazen-Williams equation, see, e.g., [12]), it can be described with some type of Markov or semi-Markov process (see, e.g., [13,16,26]) or malfunctions are randomly generated using a hazard rate function (HRF). A RomAniuk m. optimization of maintenance costs of a pipeline for a V-shaped hazard rate of malfunction intensities. Eksploatacja i niezawodnosc -maintenance and Reliability 2018; 20 (1): 46-56, maciej RomAniuk
OptimizatiOn Of maintenance cOsts Of a pipeline fOr a V-shaped hazard rate Of malfunctiOn intensitiesOptymalizacja kOsztów eksplOatacyjnych rurOciągu dla V-kształtnej funkcji intensywnOści uszkOdzeń* [29]. In this paper I propose a new kind of a HRF, which can be easily adapted to real-life data and which is very efficient during the Monte Carlo simulations. Very often in...