In this paper we introduce the Schatten class of operators and the Berezin transform of operators in the quaternionic setting. The first topic is of great importance in operator theory but it is also necessary to study the second one because we need the notion of trace class operators, which is a particular case of the Schatten class. Regarding the Berezin transform, we give the general definition and properties. Then we concentrate on the setting of weighted Bergman spaces of slice hyperholomorphic functions. Our results are based on the S-spectrum for quaternionic operators, which is the notion of spectrum that appears in the quaternionic version of the spectral theorem and in the quaternionic S-functional calculus.AMS Classification: 47A10, 47A60, 30G35. Key words: Schatten class of operators, Spectral theorem and the S-spectrum, Berezin transform of quaternionic operators, Weighted Bergman spaces of slice hyperholomorphic functions.