In this paper, we study Chen ideal submanifolds M n of dimension n in Euclidean spaces E n+m (n ≥ 4, m ≥ 1) satisfying curvature conditions of pseudosymmetry type of the form: the difference tensor R · C − C · R is expressed by some Tachibana tensors. Precisely, we consider one of the following three conditions: R ·C −C · R is expressed as a linear combination of Q(g, R) and Q(S, R), R ·C −C · R is expressed as a linear combination of Q(g, C) and Q(S, C) and R · C − C · R is expressed as a linear combination of Q(g, g∧S) and Q(S, g∧S). We then characterize Dedicated to the memory of Professor Franki Dillen. Communicated by Young Jin Suh. B Miroslava Petrović-Torgasev Ryszard Deszcz