Abstract. We analyze several types of soliton solutions to a family of Tzitzeica equations. To this end we use two methods for deriving the soliton solutions: the dressing method and Hirota method. The dressing method allows us to derive two types of soliton solutions. The first type corresponds to a set of 6 symmetrically situated discrete eigenvalues of the Lax operator L; to each soliton of the second type one relates a set of 12 discrete eigenvalues of L. We also outline how one can construct general N soliton solution containing N 1 solitons of first type and N 2 solitons of second type, N = N 1 + N 2 . The possible singularities of the solitons and the effects of change of variables that relate the different members of Tzitzeica family equations are briefly discussed. All equations allow quasi-regular as well as singular soliton solutions.
MSC: 35Q51, 35Q53, 37K40