We obtain asymptotic expansions for Toeplitz determinants corresponding to a family of symbols depending on a parameter t. For t positive, the symbols are regular so that the determinants obey Szegő's strong limit theorem. If t = 0, the symbol possesses a Fisher-Hartwig singularity. Letting t → 0 we analyze the emergence of a Fisher-Hartwig singularity and a transition between the two different types of asymptotic behavior for Toeplitz determinants. This transition is described by a special Painlevé V transcendent. A particular case of our result complements the classical description of Wu, McCoy, Tracy, and Barouch of the behavior of a 2-spin correlation function for a large distance between spins in the two-dimensional Ising model as the phase transition occurs.Using the RH properties of S, N , and P , we obtain the following.
RH problem for R(a) R is analytic in C \ Σ R , where Σ R is the union of ∂U and the parts of Σ 1 , Σ 2 lying outside U (see Figure 4). (3.29) and J k (z), k = 1, 2 are the jump matrices (3.3), (3.5) of S. (c) As z → ∞, R(z) = I + O(z −1 ). Using (3.3), (3.5), and (3.23), we observe a crucial fact: J R (z) = I + O(n −1 ), for z ∈ ∂U , (3.30) J R (z) = I + O(e −cn ), for z ∈ Σ R \ ∂U , c > 0 (3.31)