In this paper we study homological stability for spaces Hom(Z n , G) of pairwise commuting n-tuples in a Lie group G. We prove that for each n 1, these spaces satisfy rational homological stability as G ranges through any of the classical sequences of compact, connected Lie groups, or their complexifications. We prove similar results for rational equivariant homology, for character varieties, and for the infinite dimensional analogues of these spaces, Comm(G) and BcomG, introduced by Cohen-Stafa and Adem-Cohen-Torres-Giese respectively. In addition, we show that the rational homology of the space of unordered commuting n-tuples in a fixed group G stabilizes as n increases.Our proofs use the theory of representation stability -in particular, J. Wilson's theory of FI W -modules. In all of the these results, we obtain specific bounds on the stable range, and we show that the homology isomorphisms are induced by maps of spaces.1.1. Ordered commuting tuples. Let {G r } r 1 denote one of the classical families of compact, connected Lie groups -namely G r = SU(r), U(r), SO(2r + 1), Sp(r), or SO(2r) -or the complexifications thereof. We have standard inclusions G r ֒→ G r+1 (see Section 6).Theorem 1.1. Fix k, n 0 and let {G r } r 1 be one of the classical sequences of Lie groups listed above. Then the standard inclusions G r ֒→ G r+1 induce isomorphismsfor r k, andThese results are proved in Theorems 7.1 and 10.7, and Corollary 11.3 respectively. We prove similar results for G r -equivariant homology in Section 9. This result, and the others discussed below, also apply to the groups Spin(r) (Example 12.2), and to the projectivizations of the above sequences (Example 12.3), although for the projective groups there are no maps inducing the isomorphisms.