Abstract. We define a new E∞ operad based on surfaces with foliations which contains E k suboperads. We construct CW models for these operads and provide applications of these models by giving actions on Hochschild complexes (thus making contact with string topology), by giving explicit cell representatives for the Dyer-Lashof-Cohen operations for the 2-cubes and by constructing new Ω spectra. The underlying novel principle is that we can trade genus in the surface representation vs. the dimension k of the little k-cubes.Introduction. The fact [Ka1] that the cacti operad introduced in [V] has an E 2 suboperad has been instrumental for the considerations of string topology [CS, S]. In terms of algebraic actions this particular E 2 operad has been useful in describing actions on the Hochschild cochains of an associative algebra [Ka2]. All these considerations have some form of physical 1+1 dimensional field theoretical inspiration or interpretation, which for a mathematician essentially means that one is dealing with maps of surfaces. In particular the E 2 structure of the little discs and cacti is at home in such a 2-dimensional geometry.In this context, the natural question arises if the higher order E k operads can also be realized on surfaces. According to the yoga of string theory, two dimensional structures should be enough. In particular one should be able to describe higher dimensional objects, like branes, with strings. In our setting this translates to the expectation that there should be surface realizations for E k operads. The fulfillment of this expectation is exactly what we accomplish. The novel feature is that these surfaces are of arbitrary genus and not only of genus zero. Now, as soon as one introduces genus into an operadic structure,