In this paper we present different regularity conditions that equivalently characterize various ε-duality gap statements (with ε ≥ 0) for constrained optimization problems and their Lagrange and Fenchel-Lagrange duals in separated locally convex spaces, respectively. These regularity conditions are formulated by using epigraphs and ε-subdifferentials. When ε = 0 we rediscover recent results on stable strong and total duality and zero duality gap from the literature.
PreliminariesMotivated by recent results on stable strong and total duality for constrained convex optimization problems in [2,6,7,9,13,17] and the ones on zero duality gap in [15,16] we introduce in this paper several regularity conditions which characterize ε-duality gap statements (with ε ≥ 0) for a constrained optimization problem and its Lagrange and FenchelLagrange dual problems, respectively. The regularity conditions we provide in Section 2 are based on epigraphs, while the ones in Section 3 on ε-subdifferentials. In this way we extend many of the results in the mentioned papers, which are recovered as special cases when ε = 0, delivering thus generalizations of the classical Farkas-Minkowski and basic constraint qualifications. Moreover some statements in [6-8, 15, 16], which arise from our results in the special *