Abstract. We give a characteristic free proof of a criterion which was first proved by Ran over C.Theorem. Let X be an abelian variety of dimension n over an algebraically closed field. Let G be an effective one-cycle which generates X and let D be an ample divisor on Xsuch that deg(Z> ■ G) = n. Then (X, D, G) is aJacobian triple.Remark. Ran's criterion [3] is an extension of Matsusaka's criterion [1]. Ran points out that Matsusaka's main tool is a certain endomorphism a; the composite map f b*r in the diagram below is the endomorphism a(G, D) of [1].We consider first the case where G is reduced and irreducible. Let a: C -> G be the normalization map, b: C -» G -> X be the composite map, C(n) denote the «th symmetric product of C, J be the jacobian of C and Dx be the translate of D by x e X, i. Since D is ample, r is an isogeny. Ker b* is finite because / is surjective and b* is the dual map to /. Then n = dim X = dimclosure(g^F), so that qV is dense in C(n), both having the same dimension. We have b*rX = gC(n), therefore b*rX = J, because gC(n) generates J and b*r is a homomorphism. It follows that (i) n = genus C, and (ii) / is an isogeny.The divisor E = f*D is ample on J. Further we haveLemma. E induces a principal polarization on J; hence deg(F") = n\.