The aim of this article is to constructà la Perelomov andà la Barut-Girardello coherent states for a polynomial Weyl-Heisenberg algebra. This generalized Weyl-Heisenberg algebra, noted A {κ} , depends on r real parameters and is an extension of the A κ one-parameter algebra (Daoud M and Kibler M R 2010 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 115303) which covers the cases of the su(1, 1) algebra (for κ > 0), the su(2) algebra (for κ < 0) and the h 4 ordinary Weyl-Heisenberg algebra (for κ = 0). For finite-dimensional representations of A {κ} and A {κ},s , where A {κ},s is a truncation of order s of A {κ} in the sense of Pegg-Barnett, a connection is established with k-fermionic algebras (or quon algebras). This connection makes it possible to use generalized Grassmann variables for constructing certain coherent states. Coherent states of the Perelomov type are derived for infinitedimensional representations of A {κ} and for finite-dimensional representations of A {κ} and A {κ},s through a Fock-Bargmann analytical approach based on the use of complex (or bosonic) variables. The same approach is applied for deriving coherent states of the Barut-Girardello type in the case of infinite-dimensional representations of A {κ} . In contrast, the construction ofà la Barut-Girardello coherent states for finite-dimensional representations of A {κ} and A {κ},s can be achieved solely at the price to replace complex variables by generalized Grassmann (or k-fermionic) variables. Some of the results are applied to su(2), su(1, 1) and the harmonic oscillator (in a truncated or not truncated form).