“…Let the individual contribution of player Pi to the team be JiN(uj, v) = 0.5 a2 Iyi(tf)I2 + 0.5 J (11 ui(t) 12Ri -11v(t)1122R IN) dt (2( where Pi plays strategy ui and E strategy v such that the total team payoff is j E JiN(u, v) (2] Let the payoff of the 1 versus 1 game (Pi,E) be Ji (ui,v) = 0.5 a2fy1(t)II2 + 0.5 f (|ui(t) 12R (28) and, since the control spending of the evader is a positive 9) quantity divided by N in the definition of JiN (29) Tih(ui,e , VNc) s-Ji,o(uis VN) The conclusion is that Ji1 (uaj* v*) > J (U.A * VN) (30) or that pursuer Pi is better off as a team member than playing alone. 0) Therefore, from (18) and (15), a sufficient condition to ensure existence of a solution, or for pursuer Pi to be "efficient" is that (31) holds. Since Me is semipositive definite, another sufficient condition is…”